Nardurna Wallpaper Download | Erina Fair

Erina Fair collaborated with Gudanji/Wakaja artist Ryhia Dank Nardurna to create this year's campaign artwork for The Good Day Collective. Download your free mobile wallpaper 'Together' by Nardurna.

  • 23 May 2024
Nardurna Good Day Hero Web Event Banner 1968x960px.png

The Good Day Collective x Nardurna

The Good Day Collective is all about being good, kind and caring to people, our community and the planet. That's why we commissioned Ryhia Dank, the talented Gudanji/Wakaja artist behind Nardurna, to create campaign artwork that captures the essence of modern life combined with a deeper environmental and cultural narrative. Her work encourages us to reflect, connect and find joy in everyday moments. Learn more about Nardurna here.

For a limited time, you can download the vibrant artwork 'Together' by Nardurna as a digital wallpaper for your mobile phone.

Be inspired by Rhyia's art every day Image
Free Mobile Wallpaper Download

Be inspired by Rhyia's art every day

Download your free Nardurna digital wallpaper for your mobile phone.

Download Tips:

• From your phone, click the above 'Download Now' button to display the digital artwork in your phone's browser

• Save the artwork to your phone’s photo gallery (hold your finger on the image then select 'Save in Photos')

• Open the Settings app on your phone and select Wallpaper (/search Wallpaper in Settings)

• Select the artwork from your phone's photo gallery

• Adjust the positioning if necessary, then tap Set Wallpaper or Apply.

• Enjoy your new digital wallpaper! ðŸ“±âœ¨
